Monday 1 March 2010

A proud mama

My son is in a band.  He started drumming about 6 years ago.  We figured it was a phase as he had tried clarinet and trumpet without it making much impact on him.  But the drums stuck and he's been drumming ever since.  He has been in a band with some friends from school for the last two years.  They've played at school, at the odd party at other schools but recently they have started playing gigs around London.  They have a group of very loyal friends/fans who turn up to support them.  We go too, feeling a bit out of place but very proud.  His playing has just taken off in the last 6 months or so and I think he is now a very good drummer.  Of course I may be a bit biased but if your mother doesn't think you are the best, what chance have you got with the outside world.  The band writes their own material and I enjoy listening to them.  They have gelled as a group and are good friends outside the band as well.

One of the band members organised a charity concert last night to benefit Room to Read.  It was an extravaganza involving three schools and many musical acts.  They sold over 700 tickets and raised lots of money for the charity.  It was held in a theatre in the West End, it was certainly the biggest mixed crowd they had ever played to.  All the acts did really well, it is so nice to see kids passionate about music.  One of the dads filmed the whole thing so hopefully the results will be up on Youtube fairly soon.  Here is the very blurry photo I managed to take of them on stage.

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