Monday, 5 April 2010

It's been awhile

Haven't posted anything new in over a week, busy travelling and launching my other blog page for my cooking class.

We went to my in laws for Passover, a holiday that has a lot of tradition and a lot of great food.  Unfortunately, now that I am off wheat, the food bit wasn't nearly as fun.  When you don't eat Matzoh, it eliminates a lot of food that used to be favourites that would only appear at Passover.  But it was great to see family and marvel at what wonderful people the nieces and nephews are becoming.  The weather turned gorgeous after the first couple of days, by the time we left, the cherry trees were in full bloom as were the magnolias and dogwoods.

I saw my friend E during our trip, I think the last time we saw each other was probably 1996 or 97, so it's been awhile.  We have been friends since college and we picked right up and it was as if we had seen each other yesterday.  We did a lot of talking and feel like we've caught up on each other's lives.  Hopefully it will not be another 12 years before we see each other again.  So great to have friends you have history with.

My cooking classes are finally organised, check it out at  Many friends have kindly forwarded on the information to their friends and so I have had some interest and people signing up.  It is very exciting but also a bit scary, I hope I can do a good job.

So, I spent most of last week eating macaroons ignoring the fact that I am off white sugar and so am trying hard to get back to my usual eating patterns.  I discovered an amazing food at Trader Joe's, LarabarsLarabar Original Fruit and Nut Bars 18 Bar Variety PackThey are basically a date based bar with no added sugar or oil and taste just amazing.  I don't think they sell them in the UK but if they do, please tell me, they are my new favourite snack food.  There is no getting around the exercise, I am going back to the gym.  It's been a month, so it won't be fun, but so worth it.  I just roasted some nuts with kombu soy sauce and tabasco.  I can't really tell what they taste like until they cool off, will let you know if it's any good.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I had a chance to see you, Hiromi! Let's make sure we see each other again soon. Until then, I'm loving hearing about your cooking exploits through this blog!
