Sunday, 18 April 2010

Fruitful weekend

A gorgeous weekend in London, I did get to enjoy it some, but not the usual lazy weekend.  Yesterday, a trip to Japan Centre for yet more rice and other stock items.  It is truly scary the rate at which we blow through rice.  Hubby came along to help so we got the 10kg bag of rice.  That was my only contact with the outside if you don't count windows being open.  I puttered around in the afternoon and gradually made some sushi.  Here is the end result.

The family were certainly enthusiastic about it so I think it was a good result.  I didn't have a set kind that I was making so it turned into many different fillings, a bit of a grab bag especially after it was all cut up.  

Anyway, it never rains but it pours, or something to that effect.  This week I am finally starting my cooking classes, which is a big deal for me since I've never done anything like this before.  So what happens?  On Friday, I get asked to do subtitles for an anime.  I've been talking to this agency since November about doing some work and it finally came together.  The timing couldn't be worse. I did one episode and really enjoyed it so I hope it is something I can do more of in the future.  It was a challenge translating colloquial Japanese into subtitles.  I took a few liberties to get the point across, we'll see how it goes over.

Today, Sunday was another glorious day in London and I was determined not to miss it.  Hubby and I took a very long walk to Marylebone from our flat only to discover my destination was closed!  Well, it was a nice walk anyway, and the allergies not tooo horrendous.  

Maybe time for a snack, or actually it is dinner time.

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