Wednesday, 6 January 2010


It's been flurrying all day, not enough to stick and not cold enough to stick either.  Everywhere on the news, they report the chaos in other parts of the country due to the "weather".  I guess this sort of thing happens infrequently enough that the local councils, airports, trains and anyone else charged with keeping people moving feel that you can just grin and bear it for a couple of days until it goes away.  Hardly worth spending money on, for 2 days a year, right?  Usually yes, but if the predicted 10 more days of sub zero temps continue, we are all in big trouble.  Eventually I will have to leave my house.  Already today I have put off a grocery foraging trip since I don't want to go out in this mess.  I hate being cold, I hate being wet so the combination is very unappealing.  I have to go out tomorrow so perhaps momentum will carry me to get the shopping done as well.  We'll see.

Have been reading and thinking about how to structure my cooking class and have started to have some ideas.  I am a huge convenience fan.  I like good food, I like good ingredients but I think anything that takes hours to prepare, I'd rather pay someone to serve it to me than make it for myself.  I always thought of prepared seasonings as the full of chemicals stuff they sell, which certainly has it's place and I am not above using them liberally.  But as I am discovering from my readings, there exists a tradition of sauces in Japanese cooking that you can make yourself and they can be very handy.  I am planning to prepare some of them and experiment with it to see how it all fits together.  I just need to find someone to eat the stuff I make since husband is veggie.


  1. It's snowing heavily in West London. I feel like the evil snow queen from Narnia... I flew to Italy in Dec and the next day it started snowing heavily.... I got back to London on Sun and the same is happening here... Are you sure you still want to be my friend??????
    Welcome to the blogosphere! Love your blog!

  2. I'll come! I'll eat! congratulations on your Blog, girlfriend!!!!
